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Eastwood Primary School & Nursery

Nurture. Grow. Achieve

Asteroid (Year 4)

Welcome to Asteroid Class!

Key Information:


PE days: Tuesdays and Thursdays

Homework: Spellings will be handed out on Thursday and be tested on the following Wednesday.  Play TTRS!


Key Dates:

Monday 4th November - Back to school ✅

Wednesday 6th November - Outdoor learning ✅

Please make sure children have suitable clothes for Outdoor Learning and a change of shoes. Ensure they are prepared for any weather. 

Monday 11th November - Christmas raffle tickets go on sale 

Wednesday 20th November - Kent Elms Library ✅

Friday 22nd November - Year 3/4 disco until 4pm ✅

Wednesday 27th November - Trip to Beecroft Art Gallery ✅

Monday 2nd December - Christmas Jumper Day (any Christmas outfits welcome)

Monday 2nd December - Christmas items on sale in class - 50p to £2 per item

Wednesday 4th December - Kent Elms Library

Wednesday 4th December -  KS1 Christmas Dinner Day - all children in KS2 will need a packed lunch

Thursday 5th December - KS2 Christmas Dinner Day - This is us!

Thursday 5th December - Santa visits Eastwood

Friday 6th December - Raffle draw

Monday 9th December - Christmas Assembly with Eastwood Baptist Church

Monday 9th December - Christmas Fayre - 3:15pm - 5pm

Thursday 12th December - Community Santa Experience - 1pm-5pm

Friday 13th December - Santa visits Eastwood

Friday 13th December - Santa Dash - more details to follow

Wednesday 18th December - Class Party

Thursday 19th December - Last day of term

Monday 6th January - Back to school

Week beginning 25.11.24

We have had another busy week! 

In English, we have written a letter to the Society of Secret gardeners to tell them all the things we have done to try to help grow a new world!


In maths, we continued to learn about area and found the area of different rectilinear shapes. We also had a go at drawing different rectilinear shapes when given the area.

In French, we looked at the artist Matisse and created our own artwork using shapes - of course, we had to ask for the shapes in French.


In computing, we looked at variables and will be continuing with this next week when we add these into our Scratch algorithm. 

In RE, we continued our learning linked to journeys and discussed baptism within Christianity. We looked about the symbolism of water being a fresh start. We will explore other religions and their ceremonies as our unit continues. 

In Science, we explored the use of switches and also changed the components in a series circuit. We loved using the motors and buzzers. 

We had a wonderful time visiting the Beecroft Art Gallery. Our favourite things to do there were seeing Louis Armstrong's trumpet, playing the drums, seeing a real life David Hockney painting and sketching some of the artwork in our new sketchbooks. We loved the journey there at the top of the coach too!

Our Stars of the Week

Week beginning 18.11.24

Stars of the Week

Dodgeball Certificates

Week beginning 11.11.24

Stars of the Week

Week beginning 4.11.24

What a fab first week back after the half term break! Everyone very quickly settled back into the swing of things. 

In English, we have been helping the Secret Gardener replant seeds after the varmints destroyed everything. We planted seeds and wrote instructions so that others could help too. We also started to look at different sentence types so we can help the Secret Gardener even more. We will be creating some posters next week.


In maths, we have been subtracting two 4-digit numbers with no exchanges and one exchange. The children have been using place value charts, counters and pictorials alongside the column method to work out the answers. 

In French, we began looking at colours. The children were able to say and match the French words to the correct colour. An example being that ‘vert’ is green. 

In history, we started our unit about the Ancient Greeks. We began by thinking about chronology. We made our own timelines to show the six periods that we will be studying. 

In PSHE, we have started our unit about families and relationships. Our focus this week was on respect and manners. 

In science, we began our unit about electricity and circuits. We discussed what electrical appliances are and that they can be powered by the mains or by battery. We looked at how electricity flows through a circuit and the advantages and disadvantages of mains and battery powered appliances. 

We were also very fortunate to have our outdoor learning session this week. We learnt how to use an axe, a handsaw, loppers and secateurs. We also built fires - finding appropriate materials to ensure our fires would light. We used flint and steel to start them. If that wasn’t enough, we also made different items using willow. Everyone was very creative! It was an amazing day. 

Week beginning: 21.10.24

Stars of the Week

Week beginning 14.10.24

Week beginning 7.10.24

Our Visit to the Library

Week beginning 30.9.24

Stars of the Week

Week beginning: 23.9.24

Stars of the Week

Week beginning: 16.9.24

What a week! We have been extremely busy in Asteroid Class. The learning has been absolutely phenomenal! In reading, we have continue to explore the book: The Undefeated. The children have been fascinated to find out about some of the key players in the Civil Rights Movement. In English, we have continued to explore the book: Tar Beach. The children worked hard to produce some absolutely incredible descriptions by the end of the week. In maths, we have continued our unit about place value. We have represented, partitioned and found 1, 10, 100 and 1000 more or less in different 4-digit numbers. We have also been practising our 3 times tables. If that wasn’t enough, we have also learnt French greetings, explored South America, learnt all about human teach, talked about inspirational people, performed a rhythm using body percussion and even had time to hone our football skills in PE. 

I’m looking forward to another amazing week next week. Have a wonderful weekend. 😁

Our Stars of the Week

Spellings this week - homophones:











Week beginning 9.9.24

What a fantastic first full week back in Asteroid Class! In maths, we have been so busy reviewing number to 1,000 and have started to look at numbers to 10,000. In our reading and writing lessons we have been exploring the theme of freedom and have written some amazing poems using repetition. We were also lucky enough to have outdoor learning this week and had a wonderful time building dens to keep us dry.


Have a wonderful weekend. 

Stars of the Week!

Our Classroom
