Welcome to our Academisation Consultation page as we look to convert to academy status and join Eastwood Park Academy Trust (EPAT), which will, in the future, be known as Tenacitas Trust. The consultation period will run from Monday 3rd February to Friday 7th March.
This page provides you with some key information about this process and will provide you with answers to frequently asked questions about this process and what this will mean for Eastwood Primary School and Nursery as we join Tenacitas Trust.
Some key information for you:
What is a Multi-Academy Trust?
Academies are publicly funded schools, independent of the local authority, held accountable through a legally binding funding agreement with the Department for Education (DfE). Staff are employed by the multi-academy trust.
Multi-academy trusts (MATs) are groups of schools that form a charitable company, with a single group of ‘members’ (who have an overview of the governance arrangements) and a single board of trustees. As part of a MAT:
· Individual schools remain as separate entities, with separate names and DfE numbers.
· Individual schools still receive separate Ofsted judgments, and performance tables remain based on individual schools.
Why should Eastwood Primary School and Nursery join Tenacitas Trust?
Our school will benefit from being in the Trust in several ways:
· The vision, values, and ethos of the Trust are closely aligned with ours. We are encouraged to maintain the autonomy of our wonderful school, meaning we will retain and build upon our strong identity.
· Tenacitas Trust has a strong school improvement team that will support our school’s continuous development.
· We will receive high-quality support for school development and have opportunities to share and develop good practices with other schools, enhancing teaching and learning.
· Working with an outstanding secondary school next door provides access to subject specialists, facilities, and numerous opportunities to collaborate and enrich our children’s experiences.
· Collaboration with other schools will enhance teaching and learning. The Trust will provide professional development opportunities and the chance to work alongside colleagues in other trust schools.
· Our school will improve its current systems and operations, benefiting from reduced costs through merged contracts, bulk purchasing, and shared resources. Tenacitas Trust provides a strong central services team that supports HR, payroll, and finance.
· Tenacitas Trust offers professional development and support to teachers and support staff, ensuring high-quality lessons while also fostering leadership, communication, and IT skills.
· The Trust attracts high-quality staff who can share their skills across our school and others within the Trust.
· The transition for some of our children moving to Eastwood Academy in Year 7 will be smoother.
Frequently asked questions:
Will we lose our school’s name or individuality?
No. While our policies and many practices will align with those of the Trust, our school will retain its identity and place within the local community. There will be no change to the school’s name or uniform when we join the Trust.
Will we lose any staff?
No. The current team will become employees of the Trust, and their roles at the school will remain unchanged.
Do we have to reapply for a school place?
No. When the school converts to an academy, all pupils will automatically remain on the school register.
My child has special educational needs. What happens to their funding?
All funding and support will continue to be allocated as they are now and will be provided by the local authority – Southend City Council.
Will my child have an increased chance of gaining a secondary place at The Eastwood Academy?
No. The current admissions criteria and process for secondary schools will continue as they are.
Will the school maintain its relationship with Southend City Council?
Yes. The school will continue to work with Southend City Council regarding SEND provision (as detailed above), safeguarding, and admissions arrangements.
When will Eastwood Primary School and Nursery become an academy?
We hope the application will be processed and completed by September 2025.
If you have any further questions, please email
These questions will be answered in due course and feed into this page.
Kind regards,
Mrs. R. Perman Mrs. E. Blakemore
Headteacher Co-Chair of Governor