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Eastwood Primary School & Nursery

Nurture. Grow. Achieve

Milky Way (Year 3)

Welcome to Milky Way Class with Miss Allison!

Come and float into our classroom...

Our Stars of the Week are...

This week...

This week we were really lucky to visit Wonderdome. We learnt amazing facts about space. We also loved hearing about the Milky Way. In French we learnt to count to 6 and in History we travelled back in time to explore Ancient Egypt.  

We loved wearing odd socks for Anti - Bullying Day!

This week...

This week Milky Way had Outdoor Learning. We began by learning some fire lighting facts and techniques and then we made dams in teams. Mr Moore poured water down the dams and we gathered that the more compact, strong and tall the dam was, was the better the dam worked and stopped water filtering through. In the afternoon we played fun team building games and we saw popcorn being made. We then tried some after. It was yum! 

Week beginning: 2.12.24

This week, Milky Way visited the library. We read a story together and explored lots of different books. Milky Way showed amazing kindness to the people around them which made us feel very proud. 

Week beginning: 25.11.24

We visited Celtic Harmony on Tuesday. We transformed into hunter gatherers, and we learnt how to flint knap, cook with natural herbs and start a fire. We loved hunting the mammoths and it was an amazing feeling to experience what life was like hundreds of thousands of years ago. Year 3 behaved incredibly and made Eastwood feel very proud.  

Week beginning: 18.11.24

This week in Geography we looked at human and physical features. We learnt that physical features are things that would be here without us such as mountains and rivers but human features are things humans have built such as schools and shops. In Science we looked at friction and tested how friction is affected on different surfaces. 

Week  beginning: 11.11.24

This week in Geography we learnt about hamlets, villages, towns and cities. We found it really interesting that if a place has a cathedral in it then it instantly becomes a city! To conclude our lesson, we looked on Google Earth and maps at different examples of settlements. It was great fun!

Week beginning: 4.11.24

This week in Science we started our new topic of forces! We carried out a number of experiments to see how forces work. See below!

Week beginning: 21.10.24

This week in Maths, we have been learning the formal written method in addition and subtraction. In English, we finished our Stone Age narrative writing. In Art we discovered and explored Ian Murphy and in Computing we looked at networks and websites.

Week beginning: 14.10.24

This week in English we were writing the start of our narratives inspired by 'The First Drawing.' In Maths we were adding and subtracting 1's and 10's across hundreds and in Art we drew geometric shapes with different media. 

Week beginning: 7.10.24

This week in French we made our own finger puppets to help us sing along to a French rhyme. In English we looked at more emotive language and in Maths we were adding and subtracting ones, tens and hundreds. We also had a great time visiting the library. Thanks to all those who helped. 

Week beginning: 30.09.24

This week in Art we were learning how to mix colours using soft pastels. We then put these colours onto a colour wheel! It took resilience and determination and everyone did a fantastic job!

Key Dates

Our PE days are now on Wednesdays and Fridays


Monday 6th January - Back to school


Tuesday 21st January- Rock Kidz visiting Eastwood Primary School!  Dress like a rock star for the day!

Tuesday 28th January - Outdoor learning

Friday 14th February- Last day of half term

Monday 17th February- Half term week

Monday 24th February- Back to school




Phonics mat and common exception words

Our spellings this week are... 




height ​

notice ​











Our quote of the week!
