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Eastwood Primary School & Nursery

Nurture. Grow. Achieve



Our school Governors play an incredibly important role in the running of the school. The members represent a broad cross-section of the community, from parents/carers to local business people.


The Governors oversee the smooth running of the school, overseeing children's learning to finance and premises management.  All Governing Body members have voting rights in Full Governing Body meetings, including the Head Teacher, with the exception of Associate Members.


If you would like to know more about the work of our Governors, or you are thinking of becoming a Governor yourself, please contact the school.



J Coyle




Chair of Governors - Safeguarding and Mental Health Champion

Co-opted Governor

Member of Finance Committee

Appointed by GB/board on 19/02/2016

Term of office ends 18/02/2028

T Davis

Clerk to Governors

Appointed 01/09/2023

R Perman


Head Teacher

Ex officio Governor

Member of Finance Committee

Appointed by GB/board 

MA Cowan

Parent Governor 

Member of Finance Committee

Appointed by GB/board on 26/02/2020

Term of office ends 25/02/2028

E Blakemore


Parent Governor

Chair of Finance Committee

Appointed by GB/board on 08/02/2018

Term of office ends 07/02/26

E Sims


Staff Governor

Appointed by GB/board on 17/07/2019

Term of office ends 16/07/2027

J Cudmore

(Stepped down)

Co-opted Governor - Health and Safety

Appointed by GB/board on 26/02/2020

Stepped down 22/07/24

M Smale

Co-opted Governor - SEND

Member of Finance Committee

Appointed by GB/board on 22/10/2021

term of office ends 21/10/2028

A Daly

Co-opted Governor - EYFS

Appointed by GB/board on 13/09/2022

term of office ends 12/09/2026

A Read

Deputy Headteacher

Associate Member

C Roast

(Stepped down)

Partnership Governor

Appointed by GB/board on 01/09/2023

Stepped down 22/07/24

VacancyCo-opted governor 

Co-opted Governor


Partnership Governor 



Instrument of Government
