Staff will be aware of the signs and signals of cyberbullying and other risks online and apply the same child-centred safeguarding practices as when children were learning at the school. Staff receive regular training on E-Safety.
Our school computers and systems have filtering and monitoring software to safeguarding and support children.
Our staff follow the process for online safety set out in our Child Protection Policy. If a staff member is concerned about a child, that staff member will report that concern to the DSL or to a deputy DSL.
- The school continues to ensure appropriate filters and monitors are in place
- Our governing body will review arrangements to ensure they remain appropriate
- The school has taken on board guidance from the UK Safer Internet Centre on safe remote learning and all websites and links shared to children have been reviewed and monitored for their age suitability.
- Staff have discussed the risk that professional boundaries could slip during this exceptional period and been reminded of the school’s code of conduct and the importance of using school systems to communicate with children and their families.
- Children and young people accessing remote learning know how to raise concerns with the school, Childline, the UK Safer Internet Centre and CEOP.
- Parents and carers have received information about keeping children safe online with peers, the school, other education offers they may access and the wider internet community.
Useful Links |
Net-Aware Support for parents and careers from the NSPCC
LGfL National Grid for Learning: information and support for parents and carers to keep their children safe online
Parent Info From NCA-CEOP and The Parent Zone Help and advice for families in a digital world.
Internet Matters Expert support and practical tips to help children benefit from connected technology and the internet safely and smartly.
Childnet Helping to make the internet a great and safe place for children. Advice, tips and resources for parents and carers, teachers and young people.
Get Net Wise GetNetWise was developed to help parents and teachers educate themselves and their children about safe Internet use.
Child Exploitation and Online Protection A website designed to help protect children from harm online and offline with a focus on child sexual exploitation and online protection issues.
ThinkuknowThinkuknow is the education program from NCA-CEOP, a UK organisation that protects children both online and offline.
UK Safer Internet Centre UK Safer Internet Centre is a partnership of three leading charities with a mission to make the internet a better place for children and young people.
The Daine Award A charity running projects aimed at reducing bullying in schools. Their resource section has information to help schools tackle cyberbullying along with resources from their Be Strong Online Ambassador programme – a peer-led initiative which aims to empower young people to increase the digital resilience of their peers.
Policies |
Information for Parents and Carers |

Internet Digital Safety Matters
Guides for Social Media