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Eastwood Primary School & Nursery

Nurture. Grow. Achieve

Curiosity (Year 4)

🌿👋 Welcome to Curiosity Class 💡🌿 

Welcome to our class webpage! Here you can find key information, dates, documents and weekly updates.

Key Dates:

03.06.24- Return to school ✔

12.06.24- Belfairs School Trip- If you would like to help at the school trip, please see me! ✔

18.06.24- Year 3,4,5 & 6 sports morning ✔

01.07.24- Outdoor Learning ✔

04.07.24- Year 4 Campfire fundraiser £3.50 ✔

08.07.24- Open evening ✔

10.07.24- Lego Workshop 

19.07.24- Last day of the school year


After half term, PE is on a Monday and Wednesday.


Please dress in the appropriate PE kit and remove earrings. 


Our weekly spelling test will be on a Friday and new spellings will be given out. 


Cardboard boxes!

Next week, the children will be completing two DT days in class, where they will be required to use a cardboard box. If you have any at home, please provide your child with one to bring in. These don't need to be large- a shoebox or cereal box size will be perfect! 


Thank you. 

End of Summer 1

The children in Year 4 have been working extremely hard in school.


In English this half term, they have:

  • Explored and learnt about the features of nonsense poems and wrote their own.
  • Been reading the Abominables, written character and setting descriptions and they will eventually be changing some of the story to make it their own.


In maths this half term, they have learnt:

  • Fractions
  • Decimals
  • Money
  • Time- this will be continued next half term


In other lessons, the children have learnt about:

  • The Roman legacy in history
  • Editing photos in computing
  • Singing Blackbird in music
  • Sketching and painting in art
  • Relationships in PSHE
  • Animals and habitats in Science


I hope they all have a well deserved week off!

BEST OF SPRING TERM - It has been a busy but amazing Spring Term and so much lovely learning, experiences and events have happened. It has been a pleasure getting to know and teach Curiosity class. Have a lovely Easter Break and I will see you in the Summer term :) Miss Smith

WB 18.03.24

The children in Year 4 have had a great week. They enjoyed an Urban Strides workshop on Monday and learnt some great street dance moves! On Friday, they attended a Boomwhackers workshop and made a class orchestra- it sounded amazing and it was lovely to see the smiles on their faces! 


In English, the children pretended to be Boudicca and wrote great persuasive speeches for people to join their army to fight back the Roman's. The used a range of rhetorical questions, exclamation, paragraphs and imperative verbs. I loved hearing and reading these. In maths, the children have started learning about decimals and will be continuing this next week and after Easter. 


I hope you all have a fabulous weekend!  

Spellings- 22.03.24

Stars of the Week!

26.01.24- Star of the Week

WB 15.01.24

Year 4 have worked incredibly hard this week. In maths, they have been multiplying numbers using the informal and formal written method. In English, they have continued learning the skills to write their diary entry next week, including their inner thoughts and feelings, rhetorical questions and time adverbials. Their diary is about them going to watch a gladiator fight in the Roman times.


The class loved walking around the school and identifying appliances which are battery powered and mains powered. They drew a table and recorded this on their walk. In history, they heard about Boudicca and did a hot seating activity.


Well done to the Year 4 children who attended the football tournament today!  


Next week, the children have Rock Kidz on Tuesday and can dress up as a rock star for the day!! 🤘🎸👨🏻‍🎤Due to this, there will be no PE on Tuesday.


Stars of the week!

Key information


  • SPRING - We now have P.E on Tuesday and Fridays :) Please ensure the correct P.E kit and appropriate footwear is worn. Earrings must be taken out or covered up and hair must be tied back. 
  • Spelling tests will be on a Friday and new spellings will also be given out. 

I hope you all had a lovely (and restful!) winter break and ate lots of delicious food! Wishing you all a Happy New Year full of health and happiness and I look forward to seeing you all on Thursday 4th January 2024! 


Miss White 😊 


Gentle reminders

- please ensure your child is wearing the correct P.E kit on Tuesdays and Thursdays. If you have any concerns regarding uniform, please let me know. 

Stars of the week

Best of Autumn!

Outdoor Learning

Science and Maths

Autumn 2 spellings

Useful Documents

Useful Websites
