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Eastwood Primary School & Nursery

Nurture. Grow. Achieve

Inclusion (Year 3)

Welcome to Inclusion Class with Miss Allison!

Come and explore our classroom...

Key dates


Spellings will be given out every Monday and due for the following Monday.


Our Maths homework each week is to practise our KIRFs and compete in our Times Tables Rock Stars tournaments! Please see below for more information on our KIRFs for this half term.


Please note our PE days have now changed to Tuesday and Thursday.


Our Stars of the Week are... 

This week...


This week in Inclusion Class we attended a fantastic LEGO workshop where we used algorithms to make our merry go rounds move. They also played sound! It was so much fun!

Week beginning: 1/07/24


This week in Maths we identified and described 2D and 3D shapes. In English we looked closely at different pictures from our book to make expanded noun phrases from them and in Art we painted Hadleigh Castle in the style of Monet.

Week beginning: 24.06.24


This week in Inclusion Class we explored Hadleigh Castle! We loved sketching the Thames Estuary and imagining what it was like to be in the castle when it was first built. We learnt lots of facts, played team building games and had a great time with our friends.

Week beginning: 10.06.24


This week in Science we took part in the grip championships where we were testing if hand span affects grip. We gripped different sized fruits and we saw if we could hold them for three seconds to win the championship! In Maths we have been learning about days, months and years and in English we wrote our own weather reports on the mysterious weather in London.

Week beginning: 3.06.24


This week in Inclusion Class we went mudlarking and found a variety of different objects in the water. We then wrote descriptive sentences using what we had found. The work produced was incredible. Well done Inclusion!

Week beginning: 27.05.24


This week in Science we were looking at seed dispersal. We dissected some fruit to find the seed and we then attempted our own methods of seed dispersal with them. We looked at whether the seed could bounce, we then tested how far they would go with air, we looked to see if the seed could float and we also looked at how far we could make the seed travel. It was great fun! 

Week beginning: 13.05.24


This week in Maths we started our new topic of money. We were learning how to count in pounds and pence and convert them. In English we went on an adventure under the sea and we used what we saw to produce a list of fronted adverbials for place. It was great fun!

Week beginning: 6.05.24


This week in PSHE we were looking at how others in the world help and influence our lives. In Science we looked back at our plants that we placed in different conditions from last weeks experiment and we realised how important it is that the majority of plants need to have space, air, water and sunlight to grow. We also looked at the parts of a plant and the process of photosynthesis.

Week beginning: 29.04.24


This week we explored being safe online in PSHE. In Maths we were adding and subtracting fractions with the same denominator and in English we wrote and published our Haiku poems. Everyone worked really hard. Well done!

Week beginning: 22.04.24


This week we had an amazing time in Outdoor Learning. We explored how a river is formed. We looked at how it begins when snow melts and it then travels downhill, becomes flat and joins the sea. We looked at meanders, tributaries and valleys. It was so much fun!

Week beginning 15.04.24


This week we have been looking at mass in Maths and in English we have started our new book 'The River Story.' In Science we have been looking at how shadows change throughout the day in different seasons and in Computing we have been looking at how to change the font, style and layout of words.

Check out our friendship recipes!

Key documents

Our current class quote!
