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Eastwood Primary School & Nursery

Nurture. Grow. Achieve

Equality (Year 6)

Welcome to Equality Class




Year 6 Beach Trip - Wednesday 3rd July 2024

Transition Day - Friday 5th July 2024 - this may vary depending on secondary school.

Outdoor learning -  Friday 12th July 2024

Year 6 Leaver's BBQ - Thursday 18th July 2024

Year 6 Leaver's Assembly -  Friday 19th July at 9.15am (refreshments will be available after)





Please note that swimming lessons will now be starting on Thursday 13th June 2024.

Owing to the rain and a rather soggy field, Sports Day has been postponed until Tuesday 18th June. Hopefully it will be a lovely sunny day! 

Dates for the Diary


  • Outdoor learning with Mr Moore - Wednesday 1st May 
  • Bank holiday - Monday 6th May 
  • SATs week - Monday 13th May - Thursday 16th May 
  • Park Visit - Friday 17th May 
  • Class Photos - Monday 20th May 
  • Sports morning - Wednesday 22nd May 


Dates for the Diary - Spring 2 

  • Year 6 visit the park - Friday 15th March.
  • Theme lunch day - Friday 15th March.
  • Ks2 Urban Strides Street Dance workshops - Monday 18th March - more information to follow. 
  • Year 6 visit to Bradwell - Tuesday 19th March - please see letter for more information. Please note we must have your child's NHS number. 
  • Boomwhackers workshops by Rhythm Connections - Friday 22nd March. 
  • Dojo attendance shop - Tuesday 26th March.

Dates for the Diary 

18th January - Theme lunch - non school uniform day

22nd January - Outdoor Learning

23rd January - Rock Kidz

25th January - Church Visit

31st January  - Odd Socks Day


       Christmas Activities


  • Monday 18th December - Class Party - Year 6 will be having a quiz and games afternoon for their class party. They can bring in a board game to play and a change of clothes. No food items please. 
  • Wednesday 13th December - Film afternoon

Key Dates 



  • Friday 1st December- Christmas Jumper day
  • Tuesday 5th December- Christmas Fete (4-6pm)
  • Thursday 7th December- KS2 Christmas dinner and jumper day
  • Wednesday 13th & Thursday 14th December- Community Santa Experience- Book via the office
  • Wednesday 13th & Thursday 14th December- Santa visiting Eastwood! (am)
  • Friday 15th December- Santa dash!
  • Monday 18th December- Attendance shop
  • Wednesday 20th December- INSET Day/ Break up for Christmas 


Key Information:

PE days are Tuesdays and Thursdays. Please make sure children come to school in their PE uniform with hair tied up and earrings covered or taken out. 

Homework is issued on a Friday and must be returned the following Wednesday. 


Spelling tests will take place on a Friday. 


Key Dates:

  • Monday 4th September - Back to school 
  • Monday 11th September- Rock Kidz (More information to follow)
  • Wednesday 20th September- Outdoor Learning
  • Wednesday 20th September- Whole School Picnic (More information to follow)
  • Monday 2nd October- Harvest (More information to follow)
  • Friday 6th October - Non-pupil day  
  • Tuesday 10th October- Tower of London visit (More information to follow)
  • Thursday 9th November - Year 6 campfire 3.10-4.00 (More information to follow)


Important Documents:

School Bagel Ingredients 

Knowledge Organiser - The Tudors

Week 1


What an excellent start to Year 6. I am extremely impressed with each and every one of you. 

In maths we have been looking at place value and exploring numbers up to 10,000,000. We have also developed our understanding of negative numbers in context. 


In English we have been refining our research and note-making skills and have learned a lot  about the wives of Henry VIII. 


We are taking a cross curricular approach with our Theme work and exploring what life was like under the reign of Henry VIII - all in preparation for our visit to the Tower of London! 


Stars of the Week


A very difficult decision as all the children worked very hard indeed. 

Last week’s awards went to….

Harry - for being thoughtful and kind in his interactions with others. 

Sheldon - for demonstrating an excellent work ethic and acting as a wonderful role model to others. 

Week 2


Another super week last week for Year 6. 
We have been working hard in maths and have been focusing on adding and subtracting four digit numbers. We have also been practising our skills at problem solving involving the four operations.


In English we are continuing our study of Henry VIII’s wives and using our knowledge of relative clauses to write some very interesting, informative pieces.


Stars of the Week


Well done to Daisy who won the star of the week award for working  well collaboratively and supporting her peers when researching the life of Henry VIII’s  wives. 

Another star of the week award went to Eddie for exhibiting a positive attitude to learning and excellent  presentation of work. 


Well done Year 6! 

Week 3 


Another successful week for Year 6. Well done! 


We all thoroughly enjoyed outdoor learning! 


During our outdoor learning, we started off with learning to tie different types of knots. The aim being to improve our motor skills by challenging our hand-eye coordination as we worked the rope.  When tugging and pulling at the ropes, we developed strength in our arms and shoulders, as well as in the small muscles of our hands.


Later on in the session, we worked on a variety of team building exercises – a great way for the children to ‘think outside the box’. All activities helped promote communication and develop relationships among  the children.


We even took part in a little pond dipping!  A great day had by all!



Stars of the Week 


Well done:

Lyla-Rose for always exhibiting a confident and positive attitude and acting as a great role model to her classmates.

Kyla for remaining focused during classroom activities and willingly taking part in class discussions.



Outdoor fun!

Week 4 


Another fabulous week - well done Year 6.


In maths the children have been working hard on further developing their multiplication and division skills using a selection of methods. All activities have been designed to promote their fluency, reasoning and problem solving skills. As always, the children engaged well and are making super progress.


A Horrible Histories focus this week -  a chance to improve our knowledge and understanding of a selection of texts linked to our upcoming visit to the Tower of London. Year 6 were very interested to hear all about the ravens at the tower- I am sure we will all have our eyes peeled for them on our visit!


We have now started our art topic - we are currently focusing on portraits through the ages and teaching the children to analyse and evaluate different pieces. We will be concentrating on Tudor portraits as we progress through the topic.



Stars of the Week


Well done to..............


Seif for demonstrating excellent problem solving skills in maths.


Goodnews for always participating well in class and supporting her peers.



A sad goodbye to Mr Francis who has moved on to pastures new. I think that we can see from the picture that he will be missed greatly by all of us. A big thank you to Mr Francis for all that he has done at Eastwood.

Goodbye and Good luck to Mr Francis

Week 5


Another successful week Year 6 – Well done!


In maths we have been looking at long division and further developing our reasoning and problem-solving skills.


In English we have been honing our skills on writing to inform – taking into careful consideration our reader.  The children have used their planning skills, have orally rehearsed, written, edited and improved their writing.


Thank you to those who joined us for our KIRFS session – I hope you enjoyed it!


Stars of the week


Well done to Tyler for persevering with long division and achieving success


Well done to Yashmitha for always participating in class discussion and sharing her ideas on the works of various artists in our art lesson.  

Week 6


What a fantastic week!


Our class visit to the Tower of London was a great success – the children really enjoyed it and their behaviour was absolutely impeccable.  I was very proud of them.  Lots of pictures to follow!


In English we have continued writing to inform – with a focus on the White Tower. Having visited the Tower it has really helped the children to bring their writing alive.  We have focused on the use of high level punctuation and sentence structure to make our writing more interesting.


In maths we have been looking at factors, multiples and prime numbers. We have conducted in depth investigations which have enabled the children to learn to think mathematically and articulate mathematical ideas.


Stars of the Week


To all of Equality class! You made me so very proud on our school trip and your behaviour was absolutely exceptional. Well done!

Week 7


Another great week - Well done Year 6!


In maths we have been looking at BODMAS -  an acronym to help children remember the order of mathematical operations. They all worked very well indeed and were able to solve some tricky solve maths problems!


In English we have continued our focus on improving our writing and exploring how to improve our written work by adding a wider range of grammatical features and punctuation.


The scooter party was a great success and very well deserved – the children have given their all this half term and we are extremely proud of them.


Stars of the Week


Well done to


Hope – for persevering with solving maths problems and achieving great results.


Marley – for always trying his best and achieving excellence in all his learning.


Have a wonderful break everyone!

Special Theme Day Lunch - Thursday 5th October 2023



As it is census day, tomorrow is our special theme day lunch. If you'd like to take a look at the menu please do so on the website.  


Children are allowed to come to school in non-uniform  - there is no theme for what to wear and no cost.


Thank you 



Half Term Home Learning



I have attached a home learning activity grid - if the children would like to complete some of the activities that would be super. I appreciate that some of you may be busy so do not worry if they do not manage to do any of the tasks - it is there if they wish to do some. 



Autumn 2 - Week 1 


Well done Year 6 - you have had a very successful week once again!



In maths this week we have been looking at fractions. We have identified common factors to help us simplify fractions and used common multiples to express fractions with different denominators.


In English we have been studying the poem The Raven by Edgar Alan Poe. We analysed the meaning and plot of the poem, focusing closely on the use of the vocabulary used to create atmosphere. This resulted in us creating our own atmospheric poem.


In Science we explored the use of periscopes and considered what they were used for.  We discovered that we could make our own periscope which allowed us to look around, over and through objects which blocked our view. We had great fun!


Stars of the Week


Well done to……


Carmen – for always demonstrating a sensible and mature approach to her learning.


Kamdi – for working hard in maths and showing skill when working with fractions.

Autumn 2 - Week 2 


A rather busy week for Year 6 but we had great fun!


As part of our design and technology studies we asked the children to design  and make a healthy meal for four for under £5. After researching and planning their meals, off we went to Morrisons! Most groups managed to keep within budget - in some cases they even managed to keep hold of some change!. The children had some very creative ideas and presented their food beautifully. We had a great day and once again the children's behaviour was exemplary.


In maths we have continued our study of fractions - this week our focus has been on ordering and comparing fractions with different denominators. Great progress made by all.


Stars of the Week 


Well done to.....


Leon for always trying his best in every lesson.


Robyn for working very well collaboratively when planning and creating a healthy meal. 

Autumn 2 - Week 3


Another fabulous week from Year 6.


We have had assessment week this week and i must say, I am incredibly impressed with the way the children have approached their tests. Very well done indeed! 



The highlight of the week. without doubt, was our visit from Jordan Catchpole - the very talented British Paralympic champion. What an inspirational young man! We started with a question and answer session followed by a circuit training session led by Jordan himself - absolutely fantastic! I think we were all impressed with the number of push ups he could do!


Stars of the Week


Very well done to ...........


Charlie - for demonstrating excellent scientific enquiry skills in science lessons


Alfie - for showing determination during assessment week. 

Autumn 2 – Week 4 



Well done Year 6 – you have really excelled this week!


In English lessons we have been exploring and performing Macbeth – we definitely have some budding ‘stars of the stage’ in our midst!


In maths lessons we have been using our reasoning and problem-solving skills when working with fractions. The children are making great progress.



Outdoor learning on Wednesday 29th November 2023 – please make sure the children dress accordingly.


Stars of the Week


A very well done to …..


Jessica – for showing determination when adding and subtracting fractions.

Harry  and Sheldon – for taking an active role in our performance of Macbeth.


Aliah – for sharing her thoughts about the characters we have met so far in our study of Macbeth.

Autumn 2 - Week 5

Well done Year 6 - another successful week!


In maths we have continued working with fractions - with our focus being on finding equivalents and simplifying fractions (including on a number line), comparing and ordering fractions, adding subtracting. multiplying and dividing fractions  and then moving into solving multi-step problems!


In English we have used our drama skills to further explore Macbeth. We have also explored the use of descriptive language devices to begin to write story settings. The children are doing an amazing job!


Outdoor learning was a great success - we even finished the day off with a little mindfulness session in Hagrid's Hut!




Stars of the Week


Very well done to ...........


Lyla and Kyla for both taking an active part in our outdoor learning. Well done

Autumn 2 - Week 6


Well done Year 6 - another great week!


In maths we have been working with decimals. We have been identifying the value of each digit in numbers and associating fractions with division to calculate decimal fractions.


In English we have continued our study Macbeth and have worked on further developing our understanding of the characters and their motives. We are continuing to explore the play through drama and are very excited to see what unfolds! The children are loving every minute!


A lovely week – one of the highlights – sharing a very Christmassy lunch together…. along with a few songs!


Stars of the Week


Very well done to ...........

Tyler – for always setting an excellent example to others in terms of behaviour and attitude to learning.

Max G – for showing real determination when tackling decimals this week

Autumn 2 - Week 7



In English we have continued our study of Macbeth. We have explored a range of literary devices to write some really atmospheric pieces! We even wrote our own Shakespearean style poetry – the work the children produced was of an excellent standard.


In maths we have been looking at solving problems involving decimals.  The children have been encouraged to use their own procedures to solve some complex problems.


Along with the hard work we have also had lots of fun and even met Santa!


Stars of the Week


Eloise – for her excellent performance as Lady Macbeth.

Mia – for taking an active role in our performance of a scene from Macbeth.

Autumn 2 - Week 7 


I would like to take this opportunity to say a big thank you for all my lovely gifts and cards. I am absolutely delighted!



Wishing you all a very Happy Christmas and a wonderful New Year!



See you all in 2024!


Miss Smith 




Spring 1 - Week 2



A very warm welcome back! We have completed our first full week after Christmas break and the children have been working very hard indeed!


In maths we have been looking at different ways of representing a proportion of the same amount and looking at the equivalence between fractions, decimals and percentages. We have been comparing fractions, decimals and percentages and learning how to convert between them. The children have really impressed me.


In English lessons we have been studying a graphic novel called The Arrival, by Shaun Tan. At first the children were rather confused when I arrived in class with a mystery suitcase! A suitcase which had been packed by the main character of the book. They used their expert inference and deduction skills to guess what type of person our mystery character was and where he was going. As the week progressed we discovered that the book taught us a lot about the issue of immigration. We used this topic to explore characters, emotions, different points of view and the challenges they faced. The children really enjoyed it and I enjoyed listening to their thoughts and opinions. A very creative class I have!


Biekability was a great success and even though some of the children were not able to complete all the sessions they all managed to have a go at learning some new cycling skills on the playground.



Stars of the Week


A very well done to …..


Hope – for absolutely fantastic reading in class and for sharing her ideas so confidently.

Tyler - for  exhibiting and excellent attitude to his work and participating very well in class discussion.


Have a great weekend

Spring 1 - Week 3 



In English we have been working on improving our reading and inference skills. We are really improving our ability to comprehend various texts. We also used our letter writing skills to write in role as one of the characters from our class book, The Arrival. The children produced work of an excellent standard – the use of emotive language was superb!



In maths this week we have been focusing on finding percentages of numbers and comparing fractions of amounts to percentages of amounts. We have also worked on our problem-solving skills related to percentages. The children have really impressed me.




Stars of the Week


A very well done to ……


Aliah – for always demonstrating an excellent attitude to her school work and approaching new learning with confidence.

Alfie – for always being considerate of others and for demonstrating an excellent work ethic.


Spring 1 - Week 4 


A very busy week for Year 6!


In English lessons we have been reading a selection of poems and gaining a deeper understanding of various poetic devices and literary expressions. We have worked really hard on improving our vocabulary too!


In maths we have been reminding ourselves of how to read, write and convert time between the analogue and digital 12-hour and 24-hour clocks.


Rock Kidz was one of the many highlights of the week! Not only did we learn some important life lessons about self-esteem and respect we all took part in some high energy dance routines!


We have also visited St Lawrence and Eastwood Church where we learned a lot about its history and its architecture.


We finished the week off with a visit to the library.


A busy but very enjoyable week!



Stars of the Week


A very well done to…..


Robyn for showing kindness and consideration towards her classmates.

Lucy for always participating well in class and being a great role model. 

Spring 1 - Week 5 



A wonderful week for Year 6! We have been practising our tests and all children have worked incredibly well.


In the midst of all the hard work we took some time to think about what ‘Odd Socks Day’ was all about. We all joined together and wore our socks to show that its OK to be different and to stand up against bullying and discrimination.


After completing our tests we decided to celebrate with some pancakes and games! A lot of fun was had by all! We even got to meet Mrs Webb's new baby! 


Well done Year 6 – I am very proud of you all.


Stars of the Week…..


Well done to……..


Ramsay – for showing perseverance when tackling his tests this week.


Hope – for showing determination and remaining focused during tests this week.





w/c: 26/2/24


Well done – another successful week for year 6!


In maths this week we have been looking at finding the volume of cubes and cuboids and making conversions between metric measures where necessary. We have also been studying different types of angles and learning how to use a protractor accurately. All the children worked with confidence and enthusiasm. Well done!


In English we have been focusing n improving our reading and comprehension skills. We have studied a selection of texts  with a particular focus on improving our inference skills – using clues from a text to form an opinion.


We had a great time in outdoor learning – fortunately it stayed dry! The children worked very well in teams to complete a selection of STEM (science, technology, engineering and maths) activities.


Stars of the Week


A very well done to……………..


Zachary – for being an excellent group leader in outdoor learning.


Lyla-Rose – for working well as part of a team in outdoor learning and approaching all tasks with enthusiasm.



Time for some updates!  We have been so very busy preparing for our SATs that we have not posted any pictures for a while!  Will inundate you this week!


Just want to say a VERY well done to all the Year 6 children who sat their Sats papers last week. 

They all worked really. hard and gave them their all - I couldn't have asked for any more from them. I am incredibly proud of how they approached each paper - they very much deserved their 'treat trip' to the park on Friday. Pics to follow shortly!
